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While the name is new, Intervals Music Studio had its beginnings quite some time ago.
It all started as a little seed in the heart of a passionate young music student who wanted to make a difference in her little corner of the world. We’ve seen many changes over the course of the years as we blossomed from a handful of piano students to serving music lessons and music classes to 300+ families in the St. John’s, Newfoundland region annually. Through it all, our heartbeat has remained the same – we do it for the love of music.
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We want to be part of that journey and are excited to share our passion with you!
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We’re blessed to have a wonderful team of music teachers and educators who see music education and performance as more than a job. We seek to inspire JOY during each and every music lesson, performance, training session, and group music class. We’re enthusiastic about fostering a lifelong love and appreciation for music and the arts.
Click on the links below to learn more about our outstanding Educators and Staff.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.16″ text_font=”Rubik|500|||||||” text_font_size=”16px” custom_margin=”||2%|” global_colors_info=”{}”]Click on the links below to learn more about our outstanding Educators and Staff.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_toggle title=”Gillian Harris” open_toggle_text_color=”#ffffff” open_toggle_background_color=”#7b4497″ closed_toggle_text_color=”#ffffff” closed_toggle_background_color=”#f69731″ icon_color=”#ffffff” open_icon_color=”#ffffff” _builder_version=”4.16″ title_text_color=”#ffffff” title_level=”h4″ title_font=”Rubik||||||||” title_font_size=”14px” body_text_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#f69731″ custom_padding=”2%||2%|” border_radii=”|10px|10px||” global_colors_info=”{}”]
Gillian Harris, Office manager
Background: Gillian was born and raised in St. John’s, and has an educational background in both office administration and accounting. She has four children, ages 14 through 24, and has spent much of her adult life raising and caring for children (our beloved Miss Rachel just happens to be one of her kiddos!). Gillian started with Intervals almost 10 years ago and has been with Robyn and the team throughout the growth of the business. Actually, before working with Intervals, her own two small boys were part of Miss Robyn’s very first Kindermusik classes ever. I guess you could say she believes in what we’re doing on a personal level.
Gillian is passionate about growing and nurturing young lives, and is responsible for the daily operations and scheduling for Intervals.
Hobbies/Activities: Gillian loves reading, puzzles, walks, and spending time with her family.
[/et_pb_toggle][et_pb_toggle title=”Abi Schwartz” open_toggle_text_color=”#ffffff” open_toggle_background_color=”#7b4497″ closed_toggle_text_color=”#ffffff” closed_toggle_background_color=”#f69731″ icon_color=”#ffffff” open_icon_color=”#ffffff” _builder_version=”4.16″ title_text_color=”#ffffff” title_level=”h4″ title_font=”Rubik||||||||” title_font_size=”14px” body_font=”||||||||” body_text_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#f69731″ custom_padding=”2%||2%|” border_radii=”||||” global_colors_info=”{}”]
Abi Schwartz, Accredited Kindermusik Educator, Private piano/voice instructor, & Triple Threat Troop leader
Hometown: St. John’s, Newfoundland
Abi has been passionate about music for as long as she can remember. She is currently a third year B. Mus student at Memorial University, studying voice with Dr. Jane Leibel, with hopes to pursue a career in music education. Abi has completed her Grade 9 RCM voice and Grade 8 piano RCM exams under the direction of Noreen Greene-Fraize, as well as her Grade 10 Music Theory and Music History exams under the direction of Susan Quinn. She also enjoys playing the guitar and ukulele. Abi has been very active in the local musical theatre community, participating in shows such as Our Divas do Christmas (TaDa Events), The Little Mermaid (Theatre St. John’s) and Billy Elliott (Atlantic Light Theatre).
Abi credits her many amazing teachers for helping her to grow as both a person and a musician. She believes that music is for everyone, and loves making connections with the Intervals community through music. Abi is so excited to share her love of music with her students!
Hobbies/Activities: Reading, dancing, and spending time with family and friends.
Favourite quote:
“Happiness and confidence are the prettiest things you can wear.”
― Taylor Swift
[/et_pb_toggle][et_pb_toggle title=”Noel Gutierrez” open_toggle_text_color=”#ffffff” open_toggle_background_color=”#7b4497″ closed_toggle_text_color=”#ffffff” closed_toggle_background_color=”#f69731″ icon_color=”#ffffff” open_icon_color=”#ffffff” _builder_version=”4.22.1″ title_text_color=”#ffffff” title_level=”h4″ title_font=”Rubik||||||||” title_font_size=”14px” body_font=”||||||||” body_text_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#f69731″ custom_padding=”2%||2%|” border_radii=”||||” global_colors_info=”{}”]
Noel Gutierrez, guitarist, composer, and music producer
Hometown: La Habana, Cuba
Since his musical beginnings, the guitar has been for Noel the indispensable tool to make music. His career has been influenced in a technical and expressive manner especially by the classical, flamenco and jazz styles, which he finds highly motivating. He continues to develop and study his own technique in these styles in order to apply them to his voice as a performer and also as a teacher.
Noel has been a professor of Orchestration, Counterpoint, Music Analysis and Composition at the University of the Arts (ISA) in his country for more than five years. He has also taught at the National School of Arts (ENA) for two years.
His main interest as a teacher has always been to reach knowledge through creation. This is evident in his own passion for composition and his quest for new ways to present music to those eager to learn.
Noel has participated in several tours as a performer in the Dominican Republic, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia, Greece and the United States. In the latter, the critic wrote: “Impressive were the Flamenco- and contemporary jazz-inflected stylings of guitarist Noel Gutierrez. He added-with his own fingers-unexpected flights of percussion to his passionate strumming and single-note improvisations, from sharply picked accents near the bridge, fingernails pulling on strings of the neck, even as he pressed out the harmonies, and thumb and finger strikes to the body of the instrument.” – The Berkshire Edge
Noel is adept at working with students of all skill levels. His skill and experience, along with his patience and friendly presence make him a great fit for fostering a love of learning to play the guitar.
Hobbies: Reading, Cinema, Sports
Favourite Quote: “The most important thing about music has nothing to do with music” – Keith Jarret
[/et_pb_toggle][et_pb_toggle title=”Estefanía Arreguín” open_toggle_text_color=”#ffffff” open_toggle_background_color=”#7b4497″ closed_toggle_text_color=”#ffffff” closed_toggle_background_color=”#f69731″ icon_color=”#ffffff” open_icon_color=”#ffffff” _builder_version=”4.22.1″ title_text_color=”#ffffff” title_level=”h4″ title_font=”Rubik||||||||” title_font_size=”14px” body_font=”||||||||” body_text_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#f69731″ custom_padding=”2%||2%|” hover_enabled=”0″ border_radii=”||||” global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″]
Estefanía Arreguín Vera, vocal instructor
Celaya, México
Estefania Arreguin began her studies in 2009 at the Conservatorio de Música y Artes de Celaya, Mexico, concluding her bachelor’s degree as a voice major in 2017. She was part of the Youth Choir and participated in the different stagings within the institution, like “Carmen” by Bizet and “The Magic Flute” by Mozart. She had her first soloist participation in “Chichester Psalms” by Berstain with the Symphony Orchestra of Guanajuato.
In 2016, she made her debut in the operatic world with the Orquesta Sinfónica de Panamá performing two prominent roles, Zia Principessa in “Suor Angelica” and Suzuki in “Madama Butterfly,” both operas by Puccini under the stage direction of Maestro Robert DeSimone.
In 2021, she moved out of her home country to study an MMUS in Performance/Pedagogy at the Memorial University of Newfoundland in Canada, achieving her degree in April of 2023
Since 2015, she has been working with students of all ages and levels to guide them as they increase their practical and theoretical skills. She enjoys sharing her passion with others and loves seeing how her students grow every step of the way.
Hobbies and Activities:
Read, listen to music, take long walks, spend time with her family, bake and cook Mexican food.
Favourite quote: “The important thing is to reach the heart of the audience that listens, to touch and move them. Let them cry when they have to cry, laugh when they have to laugh. That is the privilege that the artist has.” Placido Domingo.
[/et_pb_toggle][et_pb_toggle title=”Alexandria Porter” open_toggle_text_color=”#ffffff” open_toggle_background_color=”#7b4497″ closed_toggle_text_color=”#ffffff” closed_toggle_background_color=”#f69731″ icon_color=”#ffffff” open_icon_color=”#ffffff” _builder_version=”4.22.1″ title_text_color=”#ffffff” title_level=”h4″ title_font=”Rubik||||||||” title_font_size=”14px” body_font=”||||||||” body_text_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#f69731″ custom_padding=”2%||2%|” border_radii=”||||” global_colors_info=”{}”]
[/et_pb_toggle][et_pb_toggle title=”Abra Whitney” open_toggle_text_color=”#ffffff” open_toggle_background_color=”#7b4497″ closed_toggle_text_color=”#ffffff” closed_toggle_background_color=”#f69731″ icon_color=”#ffffff” open_icon_color=”#ffffff” _builder_version=”4.16″ title_text_color=”#ffffff” title_level=”h4″ title_font=”Rubik||||||||” title_font_size=”14px” body_font=”||||||||” body_text_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#f69731″ custom_padding=”2%||2%|” border_radii=”||||” global_colors_info=”{}”]
Abra Whitney,Accredited Kindermusik Educator, and Voice, and Piano Instructor
Hometown: St. John’s, Newfoundland
Abra is a very active member of the local arts scene in St. John’s and holds a BMus in Vocal Performance and an MMus in Choral Conducting, both from the University of Alberta. She has been a singer, actor, clinician, conductor, and educator for the past 6 years in St. John’s, and recent credits have included Chorus Master/Ensemble for Opera on the Avalon’s Shanawdithit and The Phantom of the Opera, Mary, Only Young (RCA), Florinda, Into the Woods (Opera on the Avalon) and Alto Soloist in Handel’s Messiah with the Bay of Islands Musical Arts Chorus in Corner Brook. Abra has also been a featured soloist in Our Divas Do Christmas (TaDa!), An Evening of Andrew Lloyd Webber (Theatre St. John’s), and From Eve to Mary (Blackmore, Duff). As a producer/performer, Abra has created her own shows celebrating the music of Edith Piaf, Nina Simone, and Gladys Knight & the Pips. Abra has also been a member of Shallaway, QVE, ProCoro, and is a current member of Projekt Chamber Voices and Lady Cove Women’s Choir.
She is very passionate about community music-making, and the overall benefits for all ages, especially through group singing and learning. What we are able to learn about ourselves on a deep, personal level through music translates into all aspects of our life, and enriches our interactions, understanding of each other, and compassion for the world around us!
Hobbies and Activities: Cooking/baking, choral singing, hiking, and spending time with my cat Milo and dog Jacket!
Favourite Quote: “You’ll never do a whole lot unless you’re brave enough to try”. -Dolly Parton
[/et_pb_toggle][et_pb_toggle title=”Stephanie Russell” open_toggle_text_color=”#ffffff” open_toggle_background_color=”#7b4497″ closed_toggle_text_color=”#ffffff” closed_toggle_background_color=”#f69731″ icon_color=”#ffffff” open_icon_color=”#ffffff” _builder_version=”4.22.1″ title_text_color=”#ffffff” title_level=”h4″ title_font=”Rubik||||||||” title_font_size=”14px” body_font=”||||||||” body_text_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#f69731″ custom_padding=”2%||2%|” border_radii=”||||” global_colors_info=”{}”]
Stephanie Russell: Private voice/guitar/ukulele teacher
Hometown: Stephenville, NL
Stephanie was born into a very musical family. She was enrolled in Kindermusik at a young age where her passion for music blossomed. At age 10, she followed in her musical father’s footsteps and learned how to play guitar. She started private lessons in guitar and voice and quickly established a strong connection with music. Her voice teacher, Esther Oosterbaan, suggested that Stephanie try musical theatre which led her to perform in her very first musical at age 10. She has since performed in many of Stephenville’s Rotary Music Festivals where she won Best Vocal Solo and competed alongside fellow musicians in the Rose Bowl.
Her musical journey continues at MUN’s School of Music where she is currently working on completing a B. Mus in voice under the direction of Dr. Caroline Schiller.
Stephanie sees the value in learning about all types of music and believes it is important to find a niche in music while also branching out and trying new things. She strives to implement these beliefs into her teaching while supporting and helping young musicians establish a positive relationship with music.
Hobbies/Activities: Rock climbing, reading, and spending time with friends and family.
Favourite quote: “If you focus on what you left behind, you will never see what lies ahead.” ~ Ratatouille (2007)
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Grace Nolan,
Voice, Piano, & Theory Instructor
Paradise, NL
Since beginning her teaching journey, Grace has said that teaching young musicians to develop natural, healthy, and flexible performance skills through our weekly lessons is the most rewarding part of her day-to-day life. Ever since she was a young student herself, she always saw teaching in her future, and having the power to create a positive experience for our youngest musicians is what inspired her to continue on her teaching journey. Holding a Bachelor of Music in Voice Performance, Grace has been lucky enough to gain experience in several areas ranging from performance to pedagogy. Because of the diversity presented in her undergraduate degree, she has chosen to move forward with music and start a joint Master’s degree in Performance/Pedagogy.
Grace’s primary goal is to enrich the soil that her students are growing in by helping them develop the skills needed to be healthy musicians. What she has come to learn over her years of teaching is that everyone is born a musician, they just need the encouragement and skills to develop their full potential. There is never just one thing to learn from music: it fosters creativity, discipline, confidence, and problem-solving skills. No one is an exception to this.
Grace loves to bake in her spare time and always shares her treats with family and friends. She also loves the water—whether it be swimming, boating, water-skiing, or just watching the waves—she loves it all!
Favourite Quote:
“I am always doing the things that I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do them.”
Pablo Picasso
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Casey Pearce: Guitar teacher
Hometown: St. John’s NL
Even from a very early age, music has always been part of Casey’s life. He loved being part of an early childhood music class with “Miss Lori” and also took piano lessons. However, at 7 years of age, he decided that guitar was the instrument for him and he’s never looked back! He loves learning new styles and techniques, and enjoys playing classical, blues, jaz, folk, rock, and pop. Casey has performed in several Kiwanis Music Festivals and has received the honor of qualifying to play classical guitar in the Rose Bowl twice.
Casey attended Holy Heart of Mary High School where he was involved with a number of choirs and ensembles. His favourite, however, was playing in the jazz and concert bands under the guidance of Robert Lee, for whom he has the highest respect (and thanks!).
His journey now continues as a Music/Business student at Memorial University, under the guidance of Canadian virtuoso guitarist Silvie Proulx. Casey is also part of a classical guitar ensemble at Long & McQuade (led by guitarist Steve Murphy) and he’s also part of the Atlantic Guitar Society.
Hobbies/Interests: Mountain biking, hiking, soccer, woodworking, spending time with friends and family
Favorite quote: “Where words leave off, music begins.” ~H. Heine
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Melanie Cleal: Kindermusik Accredited Educator
Hometown: Seal Cove (originally Marystown)
Ever since Melanie was a little girl, she always dreamed about becoming a teacher. Although her career has led her down a different path, one thing has always remained constant – her desire to work with young children. She has worked with children in various different capacities, but found her true love of Kindermusik when she began it with her own daughter. Melanie is so excited to have the opportunity to join in making some magical family memories!
Hobbies: Figure skating and spending time with family.
Quote: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou
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Stephanie Fowlow, Kindermusik Accredited Educator
Hometown: Paradise, Newfoundland
Stephanie is a wife and loving mother of two beautiful, sweetly silly, and energetic little girls. She has always had a love of music and a heart for children. Piano lessons and vocal training were part of her own growing up years, and definitely sparked her interest in the arts. Stephanie has many years of experience working with children of all ages and has also spent some time studying child development. She first experienced the joy of Kindermusik when her oldest daughter was a baby, and she fell in love with itright away. Kindermusik allows her to combine her passion for music and her love for children.
Hobbies/Activities: She loves to make up songs and have dance parties in her kitchen with her daughters, as they cook and bake together.
Favourite quote: Kind words are like honey–Sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
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Robyn Pearce, Accredited Kindermusik Educator, Voice & Piano Instructor, Play a Story Instructor, and Studio Director
Hometown: St. John’s, Newfoundland
Music is a main thread in the tapestry of Robyn’s life. It was part of her everyday—from singing with her mom and brothers while doing the dishes, to her piano lessons or singing in the church choir. Music touched everything. Robyn discovered fairly early on that she loved to teach as well. Combining teaching and music was not only a logical choice, but also a way for Robyn to share a piece of her heart with others. She received her BA in Music in the United States, and also spent extensive time traveling the US and Canada as part of 3 different gospel musical troupes.
Her little studio started way back in her parent’s living room around 1997, and over 20 years later, it has blossomed into Intervals Music Studio. She’s thankful for her family and for the dedicated staff who work alongside her to reach the next generation of minds with the gift of music.
Activities/hobbies: Robyn loves to hike with her family and their dog, Kiki. She’s up for trying new things —even if it’s the roller coaster she promised she would NEVER ride. She also loves quiet time with a good book…or a really good Netflix series.
Favorite quote: Maya Angelou: I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
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Noelle Cullen, Kindermusik Accredited Educator
Hometown: St. John’s, NL
Background: Noelle has a varied musical background from her years of vocal training (Sister Katherine Bellamy and Marilyn Murphy), to playing trumpet in her school’s jazz band. She spent 12.5yrs working in the retail industry, honing her managerial and customer relations skill set. Life took her down a brand new road in 2013 when she became a first time Mom. While her own two children were enrolled in the Kindermusik program, she was presented with an amazing opportunity to combine her 2 passions – children and music! Noelle was a perfect fit for our Intervals Kindermusik team and became a licensed Kindermusik educator in September 2016. She loves being able to connect and make memories with her Kindermusik families each week.
Hobbies/Activities: Spending time with family and friends.
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Amy Dalziel, Accredited Kindermusik Educator, Private Piano iInstructor & Play a Story instructor
BMus (Mount Allison), MMus (Memorial University), ARCT
Hometown: Dartmouth, NS
Teaching Specs: Licensed Kindermusik Instructor
Background: Amy is thrilled to return to St. John’s and find work that combines her two main passions: playing piano and teaching. Her teaching style provides an enthusiastic and engaging learning environment to bring out the creativity and curiosity in each student. Having spent two years performing and teaching in London, UK, Amy is excited to share her musical experiences and continue making new ones!
Hobbies/Activities I enjoy: Playing piano, travelling and working on her new musical endeavour – the pipe organ.
Favourite quote: Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference – Winston Churchill
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Ella Antle, Accredited Kindermusik Educator, Private piano/voice instructor, Uke Crew instructor, and Triple Threat Troop leader
Hometown: St.John’s, NL
Ella has loved music from a very young age and her passion grows with each passing year. She has studied voice, piano, and music theory for many years as well as playing guitar, bass guitar and ukulele. Ella is continuing her musical training as a piano major at Memorial University under the guidance of Timothy Steeves.
Ella has also been a dedicated student of dance and active in the musical theatre community and enjoys the musical connection she can make through these mediums. Because of the positive learning experiences she has had herself, Ella is passionate about helping young musicians develop a love of music in a welcoming environment.
In addition to teaching as a private instructor, Ella is one of our Triple Threat Troop teachers as well as an accredited Kindermusik educator.
Hobbies/Activities: Spending time with my family, writing songs with my sister, and playing boardgames.
Favourite quote: Every moment is a place you’ve never been.
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Lois Gingrich, Private piano instructor
Hometown: Newton, Ontario
Lois completed her BMUS in Music Education at Wilfrid Laurier University in Ontario and recently moved to St. John’s to begin her MMUS in Piano Performance and Pedagogy at Memorial University. She began her piano studies at the age of ten and has been in love with music ever since! In 2019, Lois had the opportunity to participate in an academic exchange and spent a semester in Lyon, France studying at the Conservatoire de Lyon. This experience was life-changing and provided a chance to travel and explore diverse cultures and to study and apply different musical techniques. She was able to gain broader perspectives which have been immensely helpful in her approach to teaching and being capable of tailoring lessons to the students needs. Lois has been teaching piano for five years and absolutely loves helping students find their own passion for music. She firmly believes that music is powerful and can change lives. She also refuses to accept the idea that some people are not musical; they just need to have the right teacher!
Hobbies/Activities: Playing the piano, singing, travelling, hiking, reading a good romance novel or watching a movie with friends!
Favourite quote: “Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.” ~ Victor Hugo
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Molly Anderson,Private Voice/Piano Instructor, Small Vocal Group Instructor
Hometown:Tantallon, Nova Scotia
Molly has been an avid musician her whole life.
She began her musical journey in a Kindermusik classroom in Nova Scotia and started playing the piano and singing in choirs not long after.
Molly recently completed a Bachelor of Music at Acadia University where she focused on Education and Vocal Performance. Throughout her degree, she sang with many choirs and participated in opera and musical theatre development opportunities.
Molly is passionate about music education and community music-making. She is completing a Bachelor of Music Education at Memorial and hopes to start her career as a Music Educator very soon! Molly believes that music sharing and music-making should be for everybody, and hopes to incorporate this into her teaching.
Molly is looking forward to discovering the musical community in St. John’s and sharing her love of music with her new students at Intervals!
Hobbies/Activities:Learning to play guitar, crafting and spending time with friends
Favourite quote:“We see with our eyes. We know with our hearts.” – Jim Henson
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Emily Klein, Private Piano Instructor
Hometown: Ottawa, Ontario
Emily has a deep interest in music education, alternative education, and teaching philosophies. She has been teaching piano in her hometown for almost a decade and now is studying for her BMus at Memorial University, where she is pursuing her love of piano while also exploring musicology and music pedagogy. Music has always been valued in Emily’s life, and though piano is her primary instrument, she also has experience with several different instruments and musical practices, including playing cello, singing in choirs, and studying/teaching West African music.
Emily is passionate about creating unique and positive teaching environments where each student can develop their skills and discover what music means to them as an individual. She encourages students to find their passions, build confidence and simply enjoy the music!
Hobbies/Activities: Emily is passionate about many art types and is always eager to demonstrate how various arts are connected, especially music and dance, but also finds links between literature, visual and culinary arts. She enjoys cooking, reading and spending time in nature in her spare time.
Favourite quote: “While it is best to believe in oneself, a little help from others can be a great blessing.” ~ Avatar: The Last Airbender
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Emma Schwartz,Triple Threat Troop Instructor
Hometown: St. John’s, Newfoundland
Emma has been involved with music from a very young age. She is currently enrolled in her first year at Memorial University with plans to pursue a degree in Primary/Elementary Education. She has taken both piano and voice lessons since the age of 5 under the direction of Noreen Greene-Fraize. Emma has also been an avid dancer and performer and has been involved with multiple school and community productions including Holy Heart’s “The Little Mermaid” and Tada Events “Our Divas Do Christmas”. Emma loves working with children and is so excited to be a Triple Threat Troop leader this year!
Hobbies/Activities:Dancing, spending time with family and friends, and shopping.
Favourite quote: “Everything happens for a reason.”
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Liam Kovich, Private Piano Instructor
Hometown: Rockwood, Ontario
Liam began learning piano at age 6, and his excitement and passion for the instrument has never faded. He has completed his Level 10 RCM piano exams and is currently continuing his studies under the tutelage of Dr. Timothy Steeves at Memorial University. Though classically trained, he also regularly performs jazz piano, and has accompanied numerous solo vocalists and vocal ensembles in jazz, classical, choral, and musical theatre settings.
Liam emphasises positivity in practice, believing it to be key to forging a lasting bond with music. His goal is to help every student find their passion within the pieces they play, and through this find enjoyment and fulfilment.
Hobbies/Activities: When not playing piano, Liam finds joy in connecting different forms of art, and has recently taken an interest in linguistics. At home, he takes care of his cat Mia, and enjoys reading and songwriting.
Favourite quote: Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to help others.
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Mary Antle, Accredited Kindermusik Educator, Private piano/voice instructor, Uke Crew instructor, and Triple Threat Troop leader
Hometown: St.John’s, NL
Background: Mary has always been passionate about music. She started voice and piano at a very young age and continues her musical journey as a voice major at Memorial University. Mary is a multi-instrumentalist and also plays guitar, ukulele, and saxophone in addition to piano. Mary also frequently performs locally and around the island with her sister as a folk duo.
Mary has seen how much teachers can inspire students on their musical journey. She is very excited to share her passion and love for music with her own students. In addition to private instruction, she is excited to co-teach our Triple Threat Troop. Mary grew up performing in local musical theatre productions and also has 15 years of dance training so “T3” is a perfect fit for her. New to Mary this year, is getting to teach the very youngest of musicians in Kindermusik!
Hobbies/Activities: Spending time with family, having game nights with friends, and writing and performing songs with her sister.
Favourite quote: Life is good!
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We love getting to know you.
We share in your victories and struggles.
We delight in the connections you make with other families at our studio.
We’re so grateful that you allow us to share our heart for music education with your family each week.
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“Your studio has been such a constant in my life as a mother! It is so warm and welcoming. We have felt a sense of community rooted in the natural and wonderful experience of sharing music that stays with my children as they grow. Happy memories – all of them.”
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Location: 63 Thorburn Road, St.John’s, NL A1B 3M2
Telephone: (709) 552-2726
Email: office.intervalsmusicstudio@gmail.com
We have classes for all ages and all skill levels starting regularly. Your place is waiting.